What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

Pain from Sensitive Teeth can be Successfully Treated

It is common for many people to avoid drinking cold beverages or hot foods because their teeth are sensitive. According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), there are over 39 million adults who regularly experience tooth sensitivity. People with this condition may want to schedule an appointment with a Nassau County and dentist. They will be able to discover the reason for this painful condition and know how to treat it.

Dentinal Hypersensitivity

This can occur when a person’s gums pull away from their teeth at the gumline. This will expose the dentin layer of a person’s tooth. Dentin is located below the hard enamel surface of a tooth and is the tooth’s softer layer. When any part of dentin is exposed, the tiny pores referred to as tubules are exposed. These tubules lead to the nerve of a tooth. It’s this type of exposure that can cause tooth sensitivity pain.

Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

When a person uses a hard toothbrush and brushes their teeth aggressively, it can wear the enamel from a tooth and cause their teeth to be sensitive. It can also happen to individuals who grind their teeth at night. People can also develop sensitive teeth from regularly having beverages and foods that have a high acidic content. It can happen when the gums in a person’s mouth recede and leave the surface of the tooth’s root exposed. Sensitive teeth can result from tooth decay, as well as a filling being worn, or a tooth being broken and exposing the dentin of a tooth and more.

Fluoride Application

It’s possible to decrease the discomfort and pain associated with having sensitive teeth with an application of fluoride varnish. This can strengthen a tooth’s dentin as well as enamel. It is possible for a dentist to apply a fluoride gel to a person’s mouth for several minutes. This will provide the necessary amount of fluoride.

Desensitizing Toothpaste

It is possible in many situations for a dentist to recommend a person use special toothpaste. In many cases, a quality over-the-counter desensitizing toothpaste can be effective. It is often able to block off the nerve endings in a person’s tooth where the dentin is exposed. It’s also possible a dentist could recommend rubbing some desensitizing toothpaste directly on the affected area of a tooth after brushing.

Covering Root Surfaces

Some people will experience receding gums due to having a case of gum disease or because of age. This can lead to root exposure which will result in sensitive teeth. In these situations, a bonding agent can be an effective treatment. During this treatment, a dentist will choose the proper sealant and cover the affected area resolving the problem. When the surface is sealed, it will block exposure of a tooth’s root and eliminate the cause of teeth being sensitive.

Mouth Guard

In many cases, individuals develop sensitive teeth because of bruxism. This is known as a person grinding their teeth while they sleep. In this situation, a dentist can make a model of a person’s teeth. This model can be used to create a personalized mouth guard. When this is used at night, it is an effective treatment for sensitive teeth. A mouth guard is designed to protect a person’s teeth from damage and pressure when they suffer from bruxism. It can reduce pain from having sensitive teeth as well as eliminate pain in a person’s jaw joint and more.

Root Canal

When nothing seems to work, a dentist may recommend a person get root canal treatment. This is a situation where the pain person is experiencing from their sensitive teeth is having a negative impact on their quality of life. During this procedure, the soft pulp inside a person’s tooth is removed. A person will then have a dental crown placed on the tooth that has had the root canal.

Stop Teeth Bleaching

It’s important to many people they have their teeth as white as possible. These individuals may opt for a tooth whitening process known as tooth bleaching. This can be done in a dentist’s office or in a person’ home. Both of these treatments contain peroxide bleaching agents. Most home-based treatments can contain up to 20 percent peroxide. The bleaching agent used in a dentist’s office could have up to 42 percent peroxide. Bleaching teeth involves a gel being put on them. When the gel is on for an extended period of time, it will dehydrate the tooth and can cause tooth sensitivity. In most cases, tooth sensitivity resulting from bleaching is often temporary. It often stops when the teeth bleaching stops.

Gum Graft Surgery

Gum grafts is a surgical procedure that makes it possible to cover the roots of a tooth. It can also help the development of gum tissue that is gone because of excessive gingivitis. During this procedure, gum tissue may be taken from a person’ palate and used to cover an exposed tooth root. This procedure can be done on a single tooth as well as several teeth on a person’s gum line. It is done to significantly reduce or eliminate tooth sensitivity. It will also protect the tooth root and decrease any bone loss or gum recession.


There are certain things a person can do to avoid experiencing tooth sensitivity. In many cases, it starts with a person keeping their mouth as healthy as possible. Proper oral hygiene is able to help prevent a person’s gums from receding as well as other types of periodontal disease. Daily brushing and flossing are essential. Not having a diet that is acidic will help avoid developing tooth sensitivity. High-sugar carbs as well as soda, sticky candy, and others attack a tooth’s enamel and should be avoided. When people eat too many foods with a high acidic content, it can damage the enamel on their teeth.

Tooth Brushing

Many dentists advise their patients brush daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush given the ADA-accepted seal of approval. This should be done with a low abrasion toothpaste and is a proven way to avoid developing tooth sensitivity. It is recommended people brush their teeth at least twice a day gently using an up-and-down motion. Moving a toothbrush from side to side should be avoided.

A person should never ignore their tooth sensitivity. If this is done, it can lead to other types of oral health problems. It’s common for the pain a person experiences to make them avoid brushing their teeth or do a poor job of brushing them. This can cause an individual to experience tooth decay, gum disease and more. The symptoms may seem less but the reason for the tooth sensitivity will remain until it is properly treated. A Long Island dentist will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis for the reason a person is experiencing tooth sensitivity. They know what treatment will work best in an individual’s situation and how to eliminate the pain from a sensitive tooth.

Posted in: General Dentistry

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